速報APP / 教育 / B787 Limitations Quick Actions

B787 Limitations Quick Actions



檔案大小:7.6 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.2 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖1)-速報App

B787 Limitations, Abbreviations, Quick Actions. All in one for less than a dollar.

"B787 Limits" is an iPhone Application but it can also be installed and used on iPad. If you are looking for a very easy way to study Limitations, Abbreviations & Quick Actions for B787 , this iPhone Application is exactly what you need. This very useful & very practical Application is designed to make studying very easy & very convenient for B787 Pilots. This App covers B787 Limitations, Abbreviations and Quick Actions. All B787 Pilots can use this App whenever they need to test or brush up their knowledge about All Limitations, Abbreviations & Quick Actions of B787. When you have this App, you don't need to carry the AFM & QRH with you for Limitations, Abbreviations & Quick Actions. This App should be used for reference only. This App cannot replace original documents of B787. This App should not be used for flight planning purposes.

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖2)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖3)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖4)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖5)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖6)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖7)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖8)-速報App

B787 Limitations Quick Actions(圖9)-速報App